Sunday, January 24, 2010

Topographic map

This topographic map is from Fort Campbell, Kentucky. They typically show a wide variation in topographic data and show vertical data such as mountains and hill features. They can be used in unison with other types of map to help show terrain and map out plans because it includes these features and gives the viewer an idea of the actual terrain and not just a 2d vision.

Planimetric map

This is a Planimetric map of somewhere in Vancouver. It shows a horizontal depiction of the city and specifically leaves out vertical features. The map was useful in the cultural landscape reports and aid in management.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mental Map

This particular map is a mental map, it is a recreation of a town in Illinois during the nineteen forties. The artist’s nostalgic rendering depicts certain streets and locations in the town that stuck out in importance to him as a child and are now recreated. Each place has its own story as to why it is in the map some fond and some more negative such as “Ada Bush’s Scary Old House.”